Reduce My Costs

Business Water Solutions Committed To SMEs.

From cost-effective plans to sustainable strategies, we are committed to meeting the unique water needs of SMEs. Explore innovative business water solutions that prioritise your needs and assist you in streamlining your water efficiency.

Reduce My Costs is partnered with major water suppliers in the UK, so that you get favourable terms for your business water solutions. We aim to help SMEs with water efficiency, through solutions such as the integration of smart meters to monitor and manage consumption effectively. We understand the unique needs of SMEs, offering comprehensive business water solutions that not only prioritise cost savings but also contribute to sustainable water management.

In 2017, over 1.2 million business customers were given the opportunity for the first time to choose their water supplier. However, many SMEs are still unaware of this and are simply renewing contracts that were agreed to before the market was deregulated. We want to help you procure competitive prices for your business and ensure that you are only paying for what you have used.

New Contracts

Bill Validation

Water Audits

Smart Meters

Supply Management

How We Do It:

Quick Easy Happy
cartoon man holding a business water solutions document

Step 1

Submit your bill so that our dedicated team can look over your consumption and expenditure and see how we can help to reduce waste and costs.

cartoon woman planning a process for business water solutions

Step 2

Our team will analyse your plan with our free water audit. Our connections mean we can procure a number of contracts tailored to your business’ needs.

cartoon woman sitting and organising her documents and files for business water solutions

Step 3

You'll be presented with a range of competitive contracts from various suppliers and we will help you choose the one that will benefit you most.

cartoon woman with her arm up because her transaction has complete business water solutions

Step 4

Your Account Manager will continue to work with you throughout the entirety of your contract, carefully monitoring your consumption and services.

The Deregulation of the Water Industry

The deregulation of the UK water industry in 2017 marked a significant shift in the country’s approach to water services. Prior to this, regional water monopolies controlled supply and distribution. The deregulation introduced competition, allowing businesses to choose their water supplier for the first time. As a result, businesses gained the flexibility to negotiate better deals, potentially reducing their water expenses, and enhance efficiency. Our services aim to help you find the most suitable package for your business needs, with your bottom-line in mind.

woman looking at a graph to help provide business water solutions
three cartoon people working together for business water solutions

Water Procurement for SMEs: Existing Suppliers

If you’re hesitant in changing your current supplier, you could still benefit from our water procurement service through renegotiation of your current water tariff. We want to ensure that your business is receiving the most suitable package for your SMEs needs.

Water Procurement for SMEs: New Suppliers

We will search the industry for you, taking the hassle out of choosing the most suitable supplier for your business. Once we have identified a selection of possible options for your business, you choose what you think is best.

a cartoon woman with a magnifying glass examining a water contract for business water solutions
man making graph about business water solutions

Water Efficiency and Smart Water Meters

Utilising water efficiency is a simple way to cut down on costs and reduce overconsumption and waste. Our team can assist with the installation of water smart meters which can successfully monitor and track consumption to provide a more accurate reading so that you only pay for your actual usage. They also have smart technology which helps to prevent and rapidly rectify any leaks; overall focusing on water efficiency is a sure-start way to reduce waste and can assist in reducing overall expenditure.

We want our customers to have a competitive business water contract. Book a consultation with one of our Specialists at a time that suits you.

We can help reduce your business costs

...and did we mention that our service is free?

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