Reduce My Costs

Care For Our Environment

View our Sustainability Pledge, and learn about what we are implementing into our operations to help reduce our environmental impact.

Sustainability Pledge

Reduce My Costs understands the importance of implementing sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in order to contribute towards offsetting climate change and reaching global net-zero. We believe that more businesses in our industry should be taking this step to become more environmentally friendly.

We are committed to care for our environment through applying sustainable practices in our businesses day-to-day operations, and encouraging our customers to choose more environmentally friendly options.

trees from below care for our environment

A Message From Our Director

Here at Reduce My Costs, we strive to ensure businesses are provided with exceptional service partnered with competitive contracts that help them manage their operational costs long term.

An integral part of our long term business strategy is that we meet our sustainability goals and encourage businesses to join us on this journey. With renewable energy being such an important topic, we launched a sustainability pledge to do our bit for the environment. We’re proud of the steps we’ve made in 2024 to become a more sustainable organisation. We have numerous services available that can help businesses achieve their own sustainability goals and a team of experts happy to help you.

Everything starts with a conversation, so get in touch today to see how we can help!

Ollie Staff Photo

a lone windmill in the countryside

Sustainable Energy Solutions

Worried about the hassle of changing energy supplier? We can do that for you. We provide sustainable energy solutions for your business or organisation. Clean renewable energy comes from zero-carbon sources – wind turbines, solar panels and other technologies such as biogen or hydropower.

Let’s do our part for our planet. 

What Are We Doing For Our Carbon Footprint?

  • We've gone paper-less!
  • We have a goal in place to reach net-zero.
  • We aim to deliver our card terminal services using electric vehicles.
  • Sustainable energy solutions.
  • We have a cycle-to-work scheme to encourage our employees to cycle to work instead of driving.
  • We promote recycling within the office, providing a recycling bin for every general waste bin.
Man in an office throwing plastic bottle into recycling bin for waste management
Modern Parking lot with a Bicycle roof near an apartment building with large number of bicycles. Eco-friendly and sports transport in the city.

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