Reduce My Costs

Renewable Energy Solutions Made For SMEs.

We are partnered with leading renewable suppliers to bring our customers cost-effective renewable energy solutions for their SMEs.

As a small or medium-sized enterprise (SMEs), you know that every decision can have a big influence on your operations. From energy costs to environmental impact, making the right choices can fuel your success and secure a brighter future. Where, in the past, businesses could only easily access the wholesale gas and electric market, it is now becoming easier to access these renewable energy solutions through organisations such as ourselves. With our industry expertise and commitment to renewable energy, we offer tailored solutions that align with your environmental goals and save you money in the process.

It’s no longer just about environmental responsibility; it’s about strengthening your bottom line, enhancing brand reputation, and ensuring long-term resilience. Our dedicated team work collaboratively with you to develop a tailored renewable energy roadmap that aligns with your specific business goals and environmental aspirations. We provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition to a sustainable future.

How We Do It:

Quick Easy Happy
renewable energy solutions

Step 1

Get in touch with our Renewables Specialists to discuss your business requirements.

renewable energy solutions

Step 2

Our specialists will analyse your business needs to determine the most suitable renewable solutions for you.

renewable energy solutions

Step 3

Your dedicated Account Manager will present you with the most competitive packages and help you choose the best one.

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Step 4

Once you’ve chosen, your Account Manager will help you through the process and support you throughout your contract.

Solar PV (Photovoltaic)

Solar PV systems offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution. By harnessing the power of the sun, SMEs can significantly reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources, which can lead to long-term cost savings and a smaller environmental footprint. 

You will receive a bespoke design for your specific needs, and a transparent proposal detailing the cost, on-site visuals, and a clear payback period analysis. Beyond savings, solar offers reliable renewable energy, minimal paperwork (no planning permission needed for most!), year-round efficiency, and a bright future!

Due to government incentives, renewable energy solutions are now more accessible for SMEs. Our dedicated team can help you explore the most suitable options for your business needs.

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renewable energy solutions report

Energy Monitoring and IoT

In today’s competitive landscape, maximising operational efficiency and embracing sustainable practices are crucial for SMEs. Energy monitoring and IoT solutions play a pivotal role in achieving both objectives, empowering businesses with actionable insights to optimise energy consumption and reduce environmental impact.

Energy monitoring involves the tracking and analysing of energy consumptions in various systems to optimise energy efficiency, reduce costs and where necessary minimise environmental impact.

Utilisation of IoT (Internet of Things) plays a significant role in modern energy monitoring solutions, by enabling the collection of real-time date from the connected devices. This is perfect for SMEs who are working to become more energy efficient! 

There are several simple ways to increase capability of energy monitoring/reporting, such as; smart meters, energy management systems, and sensored/smart lighting.

LED Lights

Step into the future of lighting solutions tailored for SMEs with LED lights. LED lights, or Light Emitting Diodes, revolutionise illumination by efficiently converting electric current into light through semiconductors. These cutting-edge lighting solutions present a myriad of advantages for SMEs. With up to 80% less energy consumption compared to traditional lighting, LED lights can deliver substantial cost savings on energy bills, contributing to a more sustainable and budget-friendly operation.

Boasting an impressive lifespan of up to 25,000 hours or more, LED lights reduce maintenance costs and provide consistent, high-quality light, enhancing visibility and productivity within the workspace. Despite the initial investment, the long-term benefits, including lower total cost of ownership, improved employee well-being, and adaptability to various spaces, make LED lights an ideal choice for SMEs looking to make a smart and strategic investment in their business.

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renewable energy solutions

Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Units

Combined Heat & Power (CHP) utilises a gas-fuelled reciprocating piston engine, operating with three fuel options: natural gas, biogas, or LPG. The engine propels an alternator, generating electricity, while the recovered heat is made available as hot water or steam. This integrated approach maximises fuel efficiency, offering clients both low-cost power and heat energy.

CHP electricity production costs are approximately 1/3 less than those charged by conventional UK suppliers, ensuring a quicker return on investment and immediate benefits. An additional advantage lies in CHP’s capacity to recover wasted heat from processing, achieving efficiencies exceeding 80%, in contrast to the 50% efficiency of typical technologies such as conventional electricity generation and on-site boilers.

Carbon Net-Zero Pathways

Embarking on your carbon net-zero journey as an SME doesn’t have to feel like navigating uncharted waters. 

We can assist you in crafting bespoke carbon net-zero pathways that seamlessly integrate with your existing operations and budget. We begin by diligently analysing your current carbon footprint, pinpointing key areas for reduction. Then, we collaboratively design a roadmap for optimising your energy use, exploring renewable energy installations, energy-efficient upgrades, and smart building technologies.

As you implement these solutions, we’re by your side, providing ongoing support and monitoring to ensure your progress.

renewable energy solutions roadmap

Unsure on which renewable energy solutions are most suitable for your business?

We are always happy to talk you through your options. Book a consultation with one of our cost savings experts at a time that suits you.

We can help reduce your business costs

...and did we mention that our service is free?

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