Reduce My Costs

Waste Management Solutions Made Seamless For SMEs.

All businesses, big and small, produce waste. With the help of our tailored waste management solutions, we can simplify the process and collection of business waste.

We save businesses around 50% on average.

Our tailored waste management solutions cater to the diverse needs of businesses across various industries, addressing the challenges posed by general business waste, recycling, hazardous materials, and more. Working with a national waste brokerage, we provide waste management solutions across the UK. Our flexible solutions enable businesses to switch their collection provider mid-term, if necessary, so that you are not tied to a single collection service.

We understand that businesses today are not just seeking disposal services but comprehensive strategies to minimise environmental impact, ensure regulatory compliance, and foster sustainability. From offices and retailers to restaurants, manufacturers, and service providers, our waste management solutions are designed to meet the unique waste disposal needs of each client.

How We Do It:

Quick Easy Happy
cartoon man holding a document

Step 1

Send your bill to our industry specialists so we can analyse your waste plan.

cartoon woman planning an energy process

Step 2

We will analyse your package and compare it to other waste providers.

cartoon woman sitting and organising her documents and files

Step 3

Your Account Manager will present you with the most competitive deals and help you choose one.

cartoon woman with her arm up because her transaction has complete

Step 4

Once you’ve chosen, your dedicated Account Manager will help you through the onboarding process.

General Business Waste

General business waste refers to the waste generated by various business activities, including office waste, packaging waste, food waste (for businesses like restaurants), and other waste materials produced during manufacturing or service provision.

Any business that engages in activities leading to the generation of non-hazardous waste materials requires general business waste management. Implementing effective waste management practices not only ensures compliance with environmental regulations but also contributes to cost reduction, environmental responsibility, and overall sustainability.

Businesses can engage with waste management solutions to handle the collection, recycling, and disposal of their general business waste in an environmentally responsible manner.

man throwing away his general business waste
cartoon woman placing materials into a recycling bin

Recycling Waste

Our dedication to sustainable business practices is exemplified through our recycling waste services. We understand the pivotal role recycling plays in reducing environmental impact, and we offer tailored waste management solutions to businesses of all sizes and industries.

Our recycling services can offer numerous benefits for businesses, including environmental stewardship, cost savings, regulatory compliance, enhanced corporate image, resource conservation, and contributing to the transition towards a resource efficient economy. Integrating recycling into business operations is an essential aspect of sustainable business practices and can yield both environmental and economic advantages.

Clinical Waste

In the realm of business waste disposal, the management of clinical waste stands out as a critical and specialised service. Clinical waste, also known as healthcare or medical waste, encompasses materials that may pose a threat to human health or the environment due to their infectious nature. Proper disposal of clinical waste is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation to protect public health. Failure to comply with disposal procedures can result in high-cost fines.

Clinical waste includes a variety of items generated by healthcare facilities, laboratories, and other businesses involved in medical practices. Some common examples include:

two cartoon nurses standing on each side of a clinical waste bin
business waste solutions for hygiene waste

Hygiene Waste

We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment, particularly in businesses that deal with hygiene-sensitive materials. Our specialised services cater to a range of industries, including healthcare, hospitality, and other sectors where hygiene is paramount.


We handle the proper disposal of hygiene waste such as used personal protective equipment (PPE), sanitary products, and other materials that require careful handling to prevent contamination and ensure compliance with health and safety standards. It’s worth noting that sanitary bins are a legal requirement for every business in the UK, with regulations in place to guarantee safe and hygienic waste disposal. With a focus on environmental responsibility and regulatory adherence, our hygiene waste disposal services offer peace of mind, allowing businesses to prioritise hygiene without compromising on sustainability.

Hazardous Waste

In the landscape of responsible waste management, the handling and disposal of hazardous waste require a level of expertise that goes beyond standard waste removal. We provide comprehensive waste management solutions for businesses dealing with hazardous materials, ensuring regulatory compliance and environmental responsibility. We work closely with clients to develop customised solutions that address their specific needs and waste streams. Common examples of hazardous waste includes:

cartoon man standing on the right looking down at waste management solutions for hazardous waste
woman holding the world in her hands for recycling waste

Carbon Offsetting and Waste Storage

At RMC, we go beyond traditional waste management solutions, offering a holistic approach that integrates carbon offsetting and waste compliance services. Understanding the importance of reducing environmental impact, we assist businesses in calculating and mitigating their carbon footprint through tailored offset strategies and certified offsetting credits.

Our commitment extends to waste compliance, ensuring that your business adheres to local and international regulations governing diverse waste streams, from hazardous materials to clinical waste. 

By choosing Reduce My Costs, you not only streamline your sustainability efforts but also contribute to meaningful environmental conservation and waste reduction. Contact us today to explore how we can customise our waste management solutions to meet your unique business goals.

Why use Reduce My Costs?

Industry Compliance

Fixed Prices

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National Coverage

Quick Collection

Make your business waste management seamless and cost-effective with Reduce My Costs.

Still in a contract? Our experts can help you decide if its beneficial to consider switching your waste collection provider mid-term.​ Simply click the button below to book a consultation at a time that suits you.

We can help reduce your business costs

...and did we mention that our service is free?

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